We wanted to engage the greater community and so decided that we would invite people to decorate flags for some bunting that would be strewn throughout our show. Not sure how it would go, we were amazed at all of the different types of folks that came to contribute their creativity.

A little bit about synchronicity, and in our own words:
Synchronicity is a concept created by psychiatrist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no apparent causal relationship, yet seem to be meaningfully related. Jung's belief was that, just as events may be connected by causality, they may also be connected by meaning. When meeting for the first time this year to discuss the possibility of another Elemental Sisterhood group show, the artists, Cynthia Huerta, Maggie Tello-Case and Selena Wilson, discovered that they all had many thoughts, events and occurrences seemingly coinciding with each other, as well as similar feelings about what they each wanted to explore in their art for the show. A strong sense of connectedness emerged and ideas seemed to cascade and overlap with each other, even though the artists had not actually spoken for some time. After that initial meeting, all three felt a strong affinity for the word “Synchronicity” to describe what they were experiencing and the theme of the show was born. Below, each artist gives voice to their thoughts on Synchronicity in terms of the show and their art.
Cynthia Huerta
Lately life has been about everything falling into place and synching together. This collaborative show has been an experience that has reestablished my belief in women working together in a positive and encouraging environment. To me "Synchronicity" is a show that brings everything around me in full circle. Where the past and present meet to form a union of the upmost sincerity.
Maggie Tello-Case
Having worked with these artists before, I knew that we were all capable of working very well together and creating something special; when we met to discuss plans for the show, we all were delighted and a bit taken aback at how easily ideas seemed to come together. We all had very similar feelings about where we each were in our lives emotionally and as artists, so we decided to explore that sense of connected experiences in the theme of our show. What has resulted is very much a labor of love, not only love for each other but also for our community.
Selena Wilson
Synchronicity is the universe’s way of letting us know we are on the right path and that everything is interconnected. When I notice little synchronicities in my life it is a comfort and reassurance. Working together in collaboration with the community, and with my elemental sisters, I was curious to see what imagery emerged that would reflect our shared consciousness.